The Importance Of Having A Mentor – Part 2

growthMENTORSHIP – Series

In continuation of my series on the importance of having a mentor – and it’s relationship to your own success.  I will be talking today about Part 2 –  A Mentor Helps You To Grow!


Part 2 – A Mentor Helps You To Grow!

Personal development is very critical in achieving the success you are looking for.  So vital in fact, that many highly successful people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on personal development seminars, training events and coaching.  Why would anyone in their right mind do that?  Especially if they are already having success? The key here is that in order to be successful you have to be always growing, always learning and always stretching yourself. Always aiming higher and higher.   A good mentor will be someone who helps you to grow in your area of expertise.

Revealing Your Stumbling Blocks

A great mentor will help you see your faults and stumbling blocks.  If you are setting yourself up for success and you are teachable and coach-able, you will take what they say and you will turn it into a positive and grow from it.  The other day I was asking one of my own mentors what he thought my personality type was and how did people perceive me.  I will share the response in the video below, it was quite eye opening for me to say the least.

You see, I like many others, have a hard time seeing my own faults and flaws.

I even perceived myself differently than others perceived me.  You know something… it’s really hard to grow when you have a warped perception of yourself.  But you know what made it easy?  Asking the hard questions and waiting for the hard answers!  Make sure your mentor is someone you really trust of course – and then go for it… ask the hard questions, and wait for the answer.  You might be surprised.  The funny thing  about stumbling blocks is that when you can see them, they are easier remove or maneuver around.  When you can see what’s stopping you from getting to the other side, it’s easier to make a plan to get across.  Makes sense right?

Growing Into Greatness!

So how do you become great?  That’s simple really.  You do it one step at a time. I once heard someone ask,

“How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer to that question is easy.

“You eat an elephant one bite at a time, just like anything else you would eat.”

My Final Questions!

What questions will you ask your mentor that will help you to grow?

-Will you receive the answer with an open heart and mind?

-Are you coach-able?

-Are you teachable?

-Are you ready to make the necessary changes?

-Are you ready to take a look in the mirror?

If the answer to these questions is YES, then you are well on your way to success in your life.


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Abundant Blessings

Jennifer Needham

Jennifer Thompson

Motivating You To Success In Your Life!


The Importance Of Having A Mentor - Part 1
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