About Me


My name is Jenn and I’m a home-based serial entrepreneur! 

I love helping others and have found a way to make a living doing the things I love while having time for the people  love.  What that means is that I naturally have my hands in a lot of different pots.  At the moment those pots include forex trading, affiliate marketing, web design, various administrative duties and of course mothering and wife-ing (is that a word?)

I currently reside in the growing town of Ajax Canada with my husband and 6 amazing children.  I’m originally from Toronto but I truly love the slower paced lifestyle in Durham Region.

I was always told that I would do great things and impact many lives, but I could never figure out what that meant or how I would do it!  It was only when life got a little more complicated that I realized that everything I needed was in between my own 2 ears!   

Through self development and a stubborn will to succeed, I soon began to flex that muscle called a brain and have since learned how to create exactly the life I want.

Ultimate freedom, is a life lived where we make a difference in the world around us while using our lives for the better of others, and edifying and lifting up those around us!


For as long as I can remember I’ve been a self starter.  So much so, that at the age of 14 I answered a newspaper ad to get my very first job.  I met my new boss at a gas station in Scarborough where I went in a van with about 10 other students to sell flowers door to door.  I rocked that job and went on to work a similar job selling chocolates as well.  Thank God I’m still alive cuz thinking back, so many terrible things could have happened to me.  (Different times back then)

After that “job” I went on to work a number of different real part-time jobs during college including cashier, gas station attendant, and eventually cell phone sales.

I’ve always been interested in finance and all things money related.  There is something about making money work for you just makes sense.  With that interest in mind I went to college and graduated with honors in business administration specializing in financial planning. 

The interesting thing is, that when I graduated college I was still young enough that it would be hard for anyone to believe that I knew what the heck I was talking about when it came to money… let alone handle their investment portfolio… and so I had to re-evaluate my career options for that period of time.

I ended up in the insurance industry selling life insurance and was it ever hard.  I did a lot of cold calling and talking to everyone I knew who had a pulse.  I had my first taste of hard real money when I made $11K in one month at the ripe old age of 20.  That was an amazing feeling and one I would never forget.  In fact, to this day I look back on that knowing that that was the driving force keeping me on the entrepreneurial path as an average person doesn’t have the ability to make that kind of money in a “normal” job.

After I decided to start a family I quit the industry since there is no guarantee of income and I had a child to worry about and new obligations.  After my maternity leave I started working as a travel agent and stayed there until I landed a job working for the Public Service.  You know you never quit those kinds of jobs right?  I knew I needed more though cuz that entrepreneurial itch just wasn’t being scratched.

Following my 3rd maternity leave I decided to take a few years off to stay home with my 3 kids for a while.  And of course that entrepreneurial itch started to bother me again and so I started a home daycare and spent the next 4 years looking after 4 other sweet kiddos.

It was during that time, that I was introduced to the network marketing profession through a fun and exciting travel company.  What I liked about it was that I saw a way that I could have all the things I wanted in life while having that entrepreneurial anointing fulfilled at the same time.

The unique thing about network marketing is that everyone has a fair shot at success, regardless of your background.

It’s a profession that causes you to grow as a person and develop your character and skills and one thing I realized really quickly is that personal growth is mandatory for your survival in this industry.  You cannot grow into the person you need to be come without it.

Network marketing allowed me to develop my leadership and coaching skills substantially, and as a leader of various teams I have been able to assist other team members in setting a blueprint for success and creating actionable steps to achieve their goals.

Since then I have expanded into affiliate and online marketing as well and have never looked back.

And oh, remember that lonely diploma in financial planning I got?  Well my latest and greatest adventure is trading forex.  Having always been interested in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, this is right up my alley and I am so excited to finally be doing the thing that I’ve always wanted to do.

Forex trading is a recession-proof skill you can learn that can generate you a full time income at the click of a mouse.

So you get the idea… I’m a junkie for making money from home and I’d love to show you how!

Jennifer Thompson

[email protected]